Soul Print

Embark on a transcendent artistic journey with us at Soul Print —an unparalleled exploration that breaks free from conventional expressions. Immerse yourself in the synergy of movement and art that weaves a vibrant tapestry of self-expression.

With the busy life-style in London, many of us do not engage with our creative sides and this is the perfect event to release that energy, and the inner artist we all have - and have loads of fun while your at it!

With multiple impressive 11 by 3 metre canvases, our bodies become the brush as we dance to Ecstatic-Style /tribal electronic music. Our mission is to celebrate the creative odyssey, dancing, painting and becoming one with the art in a group dynamic. 

Here's what happens: Upon arrival, you'll be asked to get changed into clothes you don't mind turning into a paint collage (warning - they may not return to normal) and then you'll be invited to step into our first massive canvas. After a warm up, and some themed canvases to get you in the groove, you'll have the opportunity to completely free-style the last canvas. At the end, you are welcome to take some of it home!

Named "Soul Print," the event underscores our purpose: using our bodies as brushes, translating emotions and energies onto the canvas. This truly is an event like no other and we look forward to seeing you on our colourful dance floor! 


Get Creative - Get Messy - Have Fun - Loosen Up - Lighten Your Soul

Get Creative - Get Messy - Have Fun - Loosen Up - Lighten Your Soul