Kid’s Dance Party Extravaganza

Unleash the Ultimate Birthday Bash or Play Date Adventure

Prepare for an extraordinary celebration for your child's birthday party, led by a professional, inclusive, fun-loving, and energetic dance teacher. Get ready for an unforgettable experience that will redefine the concept of a remarkable birthday celebration!

Here's the scoop: Your child gets to handpick their all-time favourite tunes, and with our expertise, we'll craft a sensational dance routine tailored just for them. But that's not all! At the grand finale of their session, they'll have the chance to showcase their newly acquired moves to the entire party!

It is a mind-blowing combination of rhythm, laughter, and pure delight, as we turn dancing into an epic workout for both body and brain. Yes, you heard that right! Our dance extravaganza not only keeps your child physically fit but also enhances their cognitive abilities. These incredible skills will stay with them for life!

But that's not the only magic happening at our dance parties. Picture this: your child and their friends grooving together, united in laughter and exhilaration. Our dance class in party style fosters an unparalleled bonding experience between friends, creating memories that will last a lifetime.

Witness your child's talent shine brighter than ever before! Join us for a celebration that will leave your child beaming with joy and excitement. It's time to create magical moments and make their special day an absolute blast!

Make it how they want it! Tip: give them choices.

Bespoke Dance Routines.

Modern and Disco themes

Face Painting.

Get in touch.

Choose the type of entertainment, themes and songs from our drop down menu or let us know what you are looking for :)


Kid's Hula Hoop Party


Barbie Kid's Dance Birthday Party